Toys for Tots Donations at Logansport Utilities FAQ

What is Toys for Tots?

-Toys for Tots is a 77-year National charitable program run by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve.

Marines and volunteers collect and distribute toys, books, and games to children in need in local communities.

 Logansport, Cass County is a part of the North Central Indiana Toys for Tots region. In 2023, the North Central Indiana Toys for Tots program, headquartered in Peru, distributed 12,996 toys to children and teens in Cass, Carroll, Fulton, Howard, Miami, Tipton, and Wabash counties.


When are we accepting toys?

-We are accepting NEW, UNWRAPPED TOYS from October 21 through December 4, 2024, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm in the customer service office.


Who gets the toys?

-Area nonprofit agencies and families who have directly applied with the Toys for Tots program will receive toys.


Who can donate?

-ANYONE can donate a NEW, UNWRAPPED TOY (and games) for any age up to 18.


Who gets $5 credit on their utility accounts for donating a toy?

-Any customer account can get a $5 credit after donating a NEW, UNWRAPPED TOY in the LU customer service office.


Can someone donate a toy at a different location and still receive the utility account credit?

-NO. Only donations dropped off in the LU customer service office will be eligible for the $5 credit.


What do I get if I donate a NEW, UNWRAPPED TOY at the LU customer service office and do not have a utility account with LU and am not an employee?

-The gift of giving a child a Merry Christmas ðŸ˜Š


How many $5 credits can I get on my utility account?

-Only one $5 credit will be given on an account, despite the number of donations.


Can I apply the $5 account credit for my toy donation to my friend’s account? Or to someone who is in need of the credit?

-YES. Same rule will apply that a $5 credit will only be applied once per account.


Do we accept clothes?



Do we accept used toys?



Can I donate money to Toys for Tots?

-You can go to the Toys for Tots website at to donate money online or scan the box on the donation bin to donate online.


How do I learn more about Toys for Tots?

- Go to the Toys for Tots website at

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