Keep scrolling through to see the latest news releases from Logansport Utilities.

IURC to Review Sale of Electric Transmission Line Section

February 28, 2025 – The sale of 7.5 miles of Logansport Utilities’ 230-kilovolt(kV) electric transmission line has been approved and is progressing. A petition for the sale is set to be reviewed by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission this spring.

LogansportUtilities initiated the evaluation of the transmission line segment in early 2024. A comprehensive inspection and appraisal of the infrastructure, including the transmission line, wooden poles, and associated equipment, was conducted in April 2024.

230 kV transmission lines are high-voltage infrastructure designed for bulk power transmission. These lines are utilized by major energy producers, such as Duke Energy and NextEra Energy, to efficiently distribute electricity before it is stepped down to lower voltages (e.g., 69 kV) for commercial and residential use.

The transmission power line included in the proposed sale originates at Duke Energy’s Walton substation (5952 East 600 South, Walton, Indiana) and extends west along East County Road 600 South to South County Road 200 East. It then runs north to East County Road 350 South before continuing west and north to Logansport Utilities’ south substation at 1574 E. County Road 300 South.

GridLiance Heartland, LLC, an independent transmission company under NextEra Energy, expressed interest in purchasing the transmission line, leading to a public hearing with the city council in July 2024. The ordinance approving the sale passed unanimously (7-0) following its first and second readings on August 5 and August 26, 2024.

The nextstep in completing the sale is a public evidentiary hearing by the IndianaUtility Regulatory Commission on April 10, 2025, for the joint petition from LU and GridLiance Heartland, LLC.

The sale will not result in revenue loss for LU and customer services will remain unaffected. LU distributes electricity generated by NextEra Energy, Inc. through over 20 miles of transmission lines to seven substations, delivering power to more than 12,600 customers via 400 miles of distribution lines.

Electric Rate Adjustment Schedule Approved for 2025-2029

February 4, 2025 – An updated five-year electric rate plan for Logansport Utilities will move forward after being approved by the Logansport City Council.

The Logansport Utilities’ Utility Service Board approved the electric rate adjustment schedule on December 17, 2024, during the monthly public meeting. The city council utility committee voted on December 18, 2024, to advance to the first and second readings of the rate ordinance for the city council in January and February 2025.

As part of the fiscal year 2025 budget, the plan will update rates across all residential, commercial, and industrial tiers in a 5-year electric rate adjustment schedule.

The impact remains very minimal to residential electric customers (inside 500-kilowatt hour/kWh) adding only 0.50 cents flat facility rate to monthly bills yearly for five years. Residential rates per kilowatt hour/kWh usage will not be impacted.

The new electric rate adjustment schedule running from 2025 to 2029 will help balance the increasing costs of labor, insurance, cost-to-serve and future purchased power agreements for the utility company.

Logansport Utilities remains at the bottom of electric rates in comparison with otherIndiana electric service providers. This is the first proposed electric rate adjustment for Logansport Utilities in twelve years.

The updated rate ordinance will go into effect in February 2025.

Click the “learn more” button to see more details on the rate schedule.

Logansport Utilities’ Steel Pole Project Update,

Hospital Entrance to Remain Open

January 27, 2025 – The last leg of the first phase of Logansport Utilities’ (LU) steel pole installation project is scheduled to be put upstarting the week of Monday, January 27, 2025.

Announced in May 2023, approximately 360 new eighty-foot steel 69 kV (kilovolt)/13.8 kV transmission poles will replace current old wood69 kV/13.8 kV transmission poles, set to be completed in three phases in three different sections of Logansport.

Thirty-nine steel poles have already been installed by LU’s contractor Hoosier Edison in the first phase along Northern and Clifton Avenues. Starting Monday, January 27, Hoosier Edison will begin setting six poles along Fulton Street near Logansport Memorial Hospital’s entrance. Installation of the steel poles WILL NOT BLOCK the entrance to the hospital.

Hoosier Edison intends to allow traffic with one lane open on Fulton Street for access to Logansport Memorial Hospital. If temporary detours are deemed necessary for safety, vehicles will be redirected downJohnson Street to Franklin Street and over to Clifton Avenue to provide access to the hospital. The entrance to the hospital off Fulton Street will not be blocked while installing the poles.

The first section of pole replacements included the intersection of Michigan Avenue and Fulton Street, west down Fulton Street to Clifton Avenue, north on Clifton Avenue to Northern Avenue, and west down Northern Avenue. This section of town was identified with some of the oldest wood poles in the service area, being installed in the 1970’s.

The second phase will continue from the first on the northwest side of town, from the corner of North Indian Creek Road and Northern Avenue heading south through Dykeman Park Golf Course down to Water Street. Poles will also be replaced in this second phase from Fulton Street heading south on Michigan Avenue to Cecil Street, then along Cecil Street to LU’s Michigan Avenue property.

The third phase will replace poles from the end of Erie Avenue on the east side of town and run near the south side of Logansport High School and Landis Elementary properties heading north on Tower Drive toTomlinson Drive.

The new steel poles will help reduce maintenance, repairs, and replacements the current wooden infrastructure requires. Drivers in work zones are encouraged to use caution. Any additional traffic alerts or scheduled power outages will be communicated in advance.


October 21, 2024 – As the holidays quickly approach, Logansport Utilities (LU) is joining the United States Marine Corps Reserve “Toy for Tots” campaign to help collect and distribute toys to area children.

Logansport Utilities customer service office, located at 601 E. Broadway in Logansport, Indiana will be a drop-off point for collecting new, unwrapped toys for children of all ages to be distributed as gifts this Christmas seasonby the North Central Indiana Toys for Tots office.

In 2023, the North Central Indiana Toys for Tots program, headquartered in Peru, distributed 12,996 toys to children and teens in Cass, Carroll, Fulton, Howard, Miami,Tipton, and Wabash counties.

Starting October 21, 2024, through December 4, 2024, the community is encouraged to drop off a new and unwrapped toy in the Toys for Tots bin located at 601 East Broadway, in the LU customer service office on the first floor, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

And in the spirit of giving, customers who donate a NEW, UNWRAPPED TOY at the customer service office location, Logansport Utilities will give a five dollar credit on a customer’s utility account. (One five dollar credit per account permitted.)

All toys will be delivered to the Toys for Tots collection site for processing and delivery in December.

Please see the FAQ section for more information.

For more information about the North Central Indiana Toys for Tots program, including how to make online donations, how to apply as a family or anon-profit organization to receive toys for children, or to see a list of other drop off locations, please visit


October 21, 2024 – The Logansport Utilities service board has approved a construction contractbe awarded for a unique rock “riffle” project in the Eel River, helping to conceal a long-time pipe that crosses the waters.

W Enterprises, LLC out of Crawfordsville, Indiana was selected for the project with a bid of $68,020 -based on the suggestion from Dr. Jerry Sweeten, a local senior ecologist at Ecosystems Connections Institute.

Dr.Sweeten, who previously consulted on the safe removal of the two dams formally located in the Eel River in Logansport, has suggested the process of what’s referred to as “Newbury rock riffles” to help cover up a sixteen-inch waterline that runs from the north to south banks of the river, utilizing rapids and riffles to build up natural materials to cover the pipe.

Newbury rock riffles are ramps or low weirs with long aprons made from riprap (Riprap is a permanent layer of large, angular stone, cobbles, or boulders typically used to armor, stabilize, and protect the soil surface against erosion and scour in areas of concentrated flow or wave energy) that are constructed at intervals approaching natural riffle spacing.

The structures are built by placing rock fill within an existing channel. The upstream slope of the rock fill is typically much steeper than the downstream slope, which creates a longitudinal profile quite like natural riffles. This strategic placement of rocks and water movement process will allow sediment to naturally begin to build over the exposed water line and eventually covering it entirely.

The project has received its Indiana Department of Resources floodway permit and work is scheduled to begin November 4, 2024.


October 21, 2024 – The Logansport Utilities (LU) service board has approved awarding the wastewater treatment plant headworks replacement construction project to Thieneman Construction, Inc.

LU’s engineering firm Lochmueller Group recommended Thieneman Construction (based out of Westfield, Indiana) with their bid of $19,734,000.

Back in September 2023, a “Guaranteed Savings Contract” had been selected with another company but estimates of growing costs forced LU to move in a different direction and put the project out to bid again.

Thieneman Construction will be collaborating with the Lochmueller Group, with planning and design.

The project is in tandem with the ongoing state-mandated “Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP)” with “Combined Sewer Overflow” projects adding more water processing and treatment demand to the already aged wastewater treatment infrastructure. The current headworks structure was built in 1958 and has exceeded its useful life, showing significant signs of wear. The upgrade to the headworks facilities will efficiently manage the increase of capacity and provide more reliable screening and grit removal to protect other downstream equipment. The project coincides with Logansport Utilities’ commitment to clean water ways in the community.

Bond requests for the funding of this and other pending projects listed on the utilities’ capital improvement plan and the state’s LTCP were approved by the utility service board and the Logansport city council in early February 2023.

A construction start date is yet to be scheduled.


October 7, 2024 - Logansport Utilities (LU) is sending three linemen from the electric distribution department to join hundreds of others to assist in power restoration in Florida, as forecasters predict more damage to utility services from the approaching Hurricane Milton.

Duane Richardson, the executive director from the Indiana MunicipalElectric Association (IMEA) reached out to Logansport Utilities CEO/Superintendent Greg Toth and Director of Electric Brad McBride on LU joining other Indiana municipal electric department teams to assist in restoration efforts in existing and predicted power outages.  

Foremen Shane Milburn and Brad Graves, along with lineman, Matt Jones, are heading to the Orlando area to meet up with fellow Indiana linemen and IMEA members. The Logansport crew will remain in a staging area as the storm moves through the south. Once given location, instructions, and clearance they will work 16-hour workdays to help in repairs and power restoration efforts.

The length of stay will depend on the extent of the work needed to be done. All expenses will be covered by the Florida based utility companies or the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Logansport still has a full crew of electric linemen and grounds crew remaining in the city to complete ongoing projects and respond to emergencies in the area.


September 24, 2024 – Logansport Utilities (LU) has awarded Five Star Energy Services for a second round of residential water line replacement construction work.

LU’s engineering firm Lochmueller Group recommended the underground utility construction company (based out of Waukesha, Wisconsin) as the apparent low bidder at $4,824,800. Five Star Energy Services recently completed the first round of residential water line replacement work in Logansport in 2023 and 2024.

The project focuses on replacing any potential lead water pipes that would have been installed more than 50 years ago. Line replacements will include the public main water lines up to the point which it connects with a property’s plumbing inside a home or business.

Once a home or business has been identified to receive the water line replacement at the point of entry, the Five Star Energy Services’ staff will provide residents an information flyer in advance notice. This is to provide a summary of the project and a basic timeline when crews may need to enter the property.

The water line replacement work is at no charge to the customer.

The project is partially being funded with a 2.5-million-dollar grant awarded to Logansport Utilities this year by Indiana’s State Revolving Fund (SRF) and a loan of 2.5 million dollars with zero interest for 20 years.

The water service line replacement project coincides with Logansport Utilities’ commitment to continue to provide safe and reliable water.

Road Closure Starting September 24, 2024, for Steel Pole Installations

West Northern Avenue will be closed tothru traffic starting Tuesday, September 24, 2024 from the Royal Center Pike toHighway 17/ North 3rd Street as Logansport Utilities’ steel pole installations begin.

Announced in May 2023, new eighty-foot steel 69 kV(kilovolt)/13.8 kV transmission poles will replace current old wood 69 kV/13.8kV transmission poles.

Beginning at 8:00 a.m. daily, LU’s contractor Hoosier Edison Line Company will begin the first phase of steel pole installations, closing West Northern Avenue due to safety precautions for crews. Local traffic will be allowed access. Work will continue daily for several weeks.

The first section of pole replacements includes the intersection of Michigan Avenue and Fulton Street, then head west down Fulton Street to Clifton Avenue, then head north on Clifton Avenue to Northern Avenue, and west down Northern Avenue. This section of town was identified with some of the oldest wood poles in the service area, being installed in the 1970’s. 50 wood poles are being replaced in the phis phase. Approximately 360 poles are scheduled to be changed out in future phases.

Any scheduled power outages will be communicated in advance.


August14, 2024 - Logansport Utilities (LU) and an engineering group will be going door-to-door in various neighborhoods to continue the utility company’s water service line replacement work in identifying piping material and later replacing aged infrastructure.

Logan sport Utilities is partnering with Wessler Engineering out of Fort Wayne to complete an inventory of the water service line pipe materials and to help identify which areas still need lead lines (or galvanized steel downstream from lead lines) replaced.

A mailing went out in spring of 2023 to all LU customers with an instructional letter asking residents to help identify their water service line that enters their property and to then send back the information. Different piping materials have been used over almost 130 years and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) has mandated all water systems in the state complete an inventory of all water service lines.

Starting Wednesday, August 14, 2024, Greg Foley and KathyJackson from Wessler Engineering will target four main areas of the city (areas 1,2, 5, and 6 indicated on map scroll down) to go door-to-door, Monday through Thursday from 8:00 6:00 p.m. and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., to assist in the identification process and explain the project. Foley and Jackson will have identification badges and a vehicle with Wessler Engineering logos and be distributing the water service line information form provided by LU. With Wessler Engineering’s aid, in some cases, they may need to enter the home or crawl spaces with the resident’s permission to identify the water line material. The four targeted neighborhoods are estimated to be inventoried by the end of September.

Customers in the targeted areas can complete the requested information on their own by heading to LU’s website filling out the online form. Customers can also make an appointment for assistance in identifying pipe materials by calling 574-739-0900.

The water service line replacement project is at no cost to customers. Grant money of 7.1 million was awarded to LU in 2022 to help fund the project. Service line replacement work launched in 2023. Additional funding of a 2.5-million-dollar grant was announced in July 2024 by the State Revolving Fund (SRF). Bids for the upcoming service line replacement construction work will be accepted next month.



August 12, 2024 – Logansport area drivers and residents will need to be aware of upcoming digging and street repair occurring in the coming weeks due to the ongoing water main replacement projects.

Starting Monday, August 19, 2024, Logansport Utilities’ contractor F&K Construction will be cutting and digging water trenches along streets and then repairing the streets promptly by pouring asphalt the following days for two weeks.

Community members need to note and be aware of posted “no parking” signs along the curbs and fluorescent green door hangers with notices of the project. The contractor’s crews will be putting these out a minimum of 24 hours in advance. Towing of vehicles will be kindly but STRICTLY enforced due to safety concerns and logistics. Drivers should seek alternative routes.

Below is the intended schedule of work areas and timeline. (Dependent on weather and other conditions.)

August 19, 2024

-      Digging work in the 100 and 200 blocks of 16th, 18th, 20th, and 22nd Streets

August 20, 2024

-      Asphalt patch street repair in the 100 and 200 blocks of 16th, 18th, 20th, and 22nd Streets

-      Digging work in the 100 block of 9th & 11th Streets, the 400 block of 11th Street, and the 800 block of Pearl Street

August 21, 2024

-      Asphalt patch street repair 100 block of 9th & 11th Streets, the 400 block of 11th Street, and the 800 block of Pearl Street

-      Digging work in the 100 and 200 blocks of 17th and 19th Streets and the 200 block of 21st Street

August 22, 2024

-      Asphalt patch street repair 100 and 200 blocks of 17th and 19th Streets and the 200 block of 21st Street

-      Digging work in the 200 block of Highland Street and the 200, 300 and 400 blocks of Coles Street

The week of August 26, 2024, the contractors will repeat this process to put asphalt surface down.


July 25, 2024 – A section of the River Bluff Trail along the north side of the Eel River in Logansport will be temporarily closed to the public for over a month due to the installation of a large sewer pipe.

Sega, the contracting firm working on the ongoing Combined SewerOverflow (CSO) projects for Logansport Utilities, will be closing off a section of the trail starting the week of August 5, 2024.

The group will be installing a 36-inch diameter pipe across the Eel River that will connect one of the CSO project lines to the storage system. The temporary closure is a safety precaution as there will be large trucks coming in and out of the biking and pedestrian trail, along with dangerous equipment.

The trail, owned by Logansport Memorial Hospital, will be closed off in a span nearLogansport Utilities property on the north side of the Eel River, where the new CSO systems are being built. (Roughly located across the river from where the defunct, former electric generating plant was demolished.)

Pedestrians traveling east or west on the River Bluff Trail will have to turn around when they approach the closed off work zone area of the trail.

The closed section of the trail is scheduled to reopen near the end of September.


July 23, 2024 - Logansport Utilities (LU) has again been awarded millions of dollars from the state to help fund the replacement of Logansport’s lead water service lines.

The “State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Program” provides grant money and low-interest loans to Indiana communities for projects that improve wastewater and drinking water infrastructure.

LU first applied for SRF funds back in 2022, being awarded 7.1 million dollars in grant money, beginning the water service line replacement work across the city in 2023.

The utility company applied with the state again, and the SRF agreed to fund 5million of the company’s requested 8 million dollars, with 2.5 million dollars in grant money (which will not have to be repaid) and then 2.5 million dollars in loans with zero interest for 20 years.

In Logansport Utilities’ continuous mission to bring safe, clean, and reliable drinking water to Logansport residents, the company will continue to apply for SRF funds yearly to help replace 4,500 service lines in the city. The project has been overwhelmingly successful for those impacted by the new water lines with improved quality water and higher water pressure in their homes and businesses.

LU will be accepting construction bid submissions for this next round of waterline replacement work later this year.


July1, 2024 – A second, self-serve utility bill paying kiosk is scheduled to be installed by Logansport Utilities in the Logansport city building.

The first kiosk, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, was successfully installed back in April 2024, located in the north entrance of the building at601 East Broadway. The second kiosk will be installed this month, before the end of July 2024. It will be installed in the north hallway, near the current customer service doors and will have access available to customers while the city building is open, Monday through Friday, from 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

The new self-serve kiosks are designed like bank ATMs (Automated Teller Machines) and allow for instant payment posting on user accounts. Customer service team members are on hand daily Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. to help guide kiosk users through the steps of bill payment. Additionally, instructions are also provided while using the kiosk itself, available in: English, Español (Spanish), ြမန်မာ (Burmese), Kreyol ayisyen (HaitianCreole)

Customers using the self-serve kiosks, need to know their account number to initiate the payment or scan the bar code located on their bill. That information is found on the right corner of the utility bill. Accounts can also be looked up on the kiosk by address and name.

The self-serve kiosks take payments of paper cash, paper check, or e-check for free. Checks need to be payable to Logansport Utilities. Debit and credit card users can also pay at the self-serve kiosks, with an added third-party bank fee to be added to the amount due. Payments made at the self-serve kiosks will immediately be posted to the customer’s account.

For those paying with cash, only paper cash bills are accepted, and the kiosks do not give back change. Any over payment will be credited to the user’s account and applied on their next bill.

Bill payments can be made by several convenient methods including:

-The self-serve kiosks at 601 E Broadway, Logansport,Indiana

-*Free Automatic Bank Withdrawal (ACH) withdrawals the bill payment automatically from a checking account once a month. Sign up with a customer service team member or by filling out the online form at

-Mailing payment in with tear-off section of the front sideof the bill with account number and making check payable to LogansportUtilities

- Paying online with credit/debit card, along with a credit card fee at

For questions please call customer service at 574-753-6231 or by emailing


A Logansport High School graduate has been awarded an $1,000 scholarship to continue his education from the Indiana Municipal Electric Association (IMEA).

As a member of the IMEA, all Logansport Utilities staff member’s families, from any department, with a dependent heading to an accredited institution (college, university, junior college, trade/technical school or business school) may apply for the $1,000 scholarship. Up to six scholarships are awarded statewide each year.

Charles Zimmerman, son of Logansport Utilities’ water department member Jesse Zimmerman, was awarded a scholarship. He will be attending Indiana University Kokomo this fall and studying education.

Other recipients around the state awarded $1,000 scholarships are from Winamac, Ferdinand, and Columbia City.

The IMEA is a non-profit organization formed more than 80 years ago with municipal utilities across Indiana. Logansport Utilities has been a member of the IMEA since 1950. Three people from Logansport Utilities have served as President of the IMEA; Robert Dunderman, Bradley McBride, and Clarence “Red” Quillen.


June 18, 2024 – F&K Construction will begin residential water service line replacements beginning June 24, 2024.

The contractor has been installing new larger water mains throughout the city ofLogansport since the end February 2024. They will begin individual, residential service lines identified needing replaced due to lead material or galvanized steel lines downstream from lead later this month.

The project was approved in January 2024 and awarded grant money from the IndianaState Revolving Fund (SRF) to help fund the project.

F&K will be notifying residents by knocking on doors and placing door hangers before the work at a location begins. The locations listed below will be included in the first work areas.

·     100 block of 9th and 11th Streets

·     100 and 200 blocks of 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th Streets

·     200 block of 21st Street

·     100 and 200 blocks of 22nd Streets

Customers with questions for F&K Construction about the residential water line replacement project should contact Seth Jamison at (574) 967-4543.


June 5, 2024 – The contractor replacing water mains and service lines in Logansport will be documenting additional work areas with pre-construction videos and photos.

F&K Construction began excavation and replacement work for Logansport Utilities in various parts of the city in February 2024. On Thursday, June 6, 2024 the company plans on recording with a GoPro camera additional work areas marked on the pre-construction map, as documentation of the work sites and the surrounding areas.

Residents should not be alarmed if they see F&K staff recording locations. The videos are to allow for proper restoration efforts after work is complete.

The project was approved in January 2024 and awarded grant money from the Indiana State Revolving Fund (SRF.)

The areas selected for replacement have been identified as the oldest infrastructure areas with consistent problems with water main breaks or leaks.

The project is expected to take 18 to 24 months to complete.

Contractor Selected for Phase 1 of Steel Poles Installation

May 28, 2024 – An electric line company south of Kokomo has been awarded the first construction phase of Logansport Utilities’ ongoing steelpole installation project.

Announced in May 2023, new eighty-foot steel 69 kV(kilovolt)/13.8 kV transmission poles will replace the current old wood 69kV/13.8 kV transmission poles.

The electric department received fifteen bids submitted on time and based on the recommendation from the project’s engineering group, Alpha Engineering, have selected the Hoosier Edison Line Company, headquartered out of Sharpsville, Indiana with the bid of $615,000.

The utility service board approved the selection during the May 28, 2024, public meeting.

The first section of pole replacements will begin at the intersection of Michigan Avenue and Fulton Street, then head west down Fulton Street to Clifton Avenue, then head north on Clifton Avenue to Northern Avenue, and finally west down Northern Avenue. Fifty wood poles will be replaced.

Construction is expected to begin later this year. Any traffic alerts or scheduled power outages will be communicated in advance.

Steel Pole Project Moves Forward

May 6, 2024 – The Logansport Utilities’ electric department has completed the engineering for the first section of the scheduled replacements of various aged wood pole lines with new steel poles. LU has also selected the engineering groups for the next two phases and will open bids later this month to select a construction contractor to complete the first section.

Announced in May 2023, new eighty-foot steel 69 kV(kilovolt)/13.8 kV transmission poles will replace the current old wood 69 kV/13.8kV transmission poles.

Alpha Engineering out of Indianapolis was selected to lead the first phase of the project last year, overseeing all aspects of engineering and design, providing material lists, being a part of hiring the construction contractor, and completing GIS/GPS (geographic information system/global positioning system) mapping. Alpha Engineering will continue their work for the second phase, while the ENTRUST Solutions Group (out of Illinois) will lead engineering with their newly acquired Spectrum Engineering Corporation (out of Fort Wayne) for the third section of pole replacements.

The first section of pole replacements will begin at the intersection of Michigan Avenue and Fulton Street, then head west down Fulton Street to Clifton Avenue, then head north on Clifton Avenue to Northern Avenue, and finally west down Northern Avenue. This section of town was identified with some of the oldest wood poles in the service area, being installed in the 1970’s.

The second phase continues from the first on the northwest side of town, from the corner of North Indian Creek Road and Northern Avenue heading south through Dykeman Park Golf Course down to Water Street. Poles will also be replaced in this second phase from Fulton Street heading south on Michigan Avenue to Cecil Street, then along Cecil Street to LU’s Michigan Avenue property.

The third phase will replace poles from the end of Erie Avenue on the east side of town and run near the south side of Logansport High School and Landis Elementary properties heading north on Tower Drive to Tomlinson Drive.

The new steel poles will help reduce maintenance, repairs, and replacements the current wooden infrastructure requires. In the first phase, 50 wood poles will be replaced. Approximately 360 poles are scheduled to be changed out in future phases.

The steel pole replacement construction is scheduled to begin later in 2024. Any traffic alerts or scheduled power outages will be communicated in advance.



Alongside Logansport Utilities’ launch of the new 24-hour, bill paying self-serve kiosk, the company will be awarding $100 worth of credit on three lucky utility customer’s accounts.

Announced in February 2024, the self-serve kiosk installation was completed Monday April 29, 2024. Customers can now pay their utility bills using the kiosk, which is now online and set up in the north entrance of the city building at 601 East Broadway in Logansport.

LU is encouraging bill payers to utilize the ATM-like machine by automatically entering customers who use the kiosk for bill paying into a raffle and potentially winning $100 worth of credit on their utility account. Three winners will be selected and notified by phone.

The only way for customers to enter the raffle drawing for $100 worth of credit is to utilize the kiosk for paying their utility bill. Once a customer completes a bill paying transaction, that account will be automatically entered into the raffle. All accounts are eligible, with any method of payment, to be entered in the contest. An account will only be entered once into the raffle, regardless how many kiosk transactions are completed. Entries into the raffle with kiosk use began Monday, April 29, 2024 and the contest will close by midnight May 12, 2024.

The complete guidelines of the raffle can be read by clicking the link.

Self-serve kiosk installation update

Closing City Building North Entrance - April 26 - 28, 2024 AND

One Day Office Closure for Customer Service – Friday, April 26, 2024

April 12, 2024 – Logansport Utilities is installing the new 24-hour self-serve kiosk for utility bill payments the weekend of April 26 - 28, 2024, requiring the customer service office to be closed for one day on Friday, April 26, 2024, as well as, locking and closing off the city building’s north entrance for the weekend.

Announced earlier this year, the new self-serve kiosk is designed like a bank ATM (Automated Teller Machine) and will be installed in the north entrance doorway of the city building (601 East Broadway, Logansport, Indiana) replacing the current after hours drop box.

LU’s customer service office will be closed on Friday, April 26, 2024 during the kiosk installation. No in-person or drop off payments will be available that day.

The city building’s north entrance doorway, along EastBroadway, will be locked and closed during the Friday through Sunday construction work. Employees and visitors may still enter the city building on Friday, April 26 through the public west entrance doors along 6th Street during business hours.

The after-hours drop box will be replaced by the new kiosk so the public should make arrangements to drop off bill payments before or on Thursday, April 25 or make a payment with one of the other bill paying methods listed below. There will be no access for in-person or after-hours drop box payments after April 25, 2024. In-person and self-serve kiosk payments will resume/begin on Monday, April 29,2024.

Logansport Utilities is aligning with other utility companies, replacing the drop box to modernize efficiencies, reduce the number of errors in bill payments, and improving the bill-paying process with better speed and convenience, along with following federal ADA standards and providing multiple languages accessibility.

The kiosk is scheduled to begin accepting payments on Monday, April 29, 2024. The kiosk replaces the drop box but still allows for bill paying access 24-hours a day, 7-days a week.

Customer service team members will be on hand daily Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 guide kiosk users through the steps of bill payment. Additionally, there will be written instructions available and an online video. Instructions are also provided on the kiosk itself, available in:

          English, Español (Spanish), ြမန်မာ (Burmese), Kreyol ayisyen (HaitianCreole)

For customers using the self-serve kiosk, they will need to know their account number to initiate the payment or scan the bar code located on their bill. That information is found on the right corner of the utility bill. Accounts can also be looked up on the kiosk by address, name, or phone number.

The self-serve kiosk will take paper cash, paper check, or e-check for free. Checks need to be payable to Logansport Utilities. Debit and credit card users can also pay at the self-serve kiosk, with an added third-party bank fee to be added to the amount due. Payments made at the self-serve kiosk will immediately be posted to the customer’s account.

For those paying with cash, only paper cash bills will be accepted, and the kiosk will not give back change. Instead, any over payment will be credited to the user’s account and applied on their next bill.

Bill payments can be made by several convenient methods including:

-       The *new* self-serve kiosk starting April 29, 2024 at 601 E Broadway, Logansport, Indiana

-       *Free Automatic Bank Withdrawal (ACH), which withdrawals the bill payment automatically from a checking account once a month. Sign up with a customer service team member or filling out the online form at

-       In-person from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the customer service office at 601 E Broadway, Logansport Indiana, 46947

-       Mailing payment in with tear-off section of the front side of the bill with account number and making check payable to Logansport Utilities.

-       Calling customer service at 574-753-6231 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

-      Paying online with credit/debit card, along with a credit card fee at

For questions or more information regarding making a payment, please call customer service at 574-753-6231 or by emailing

COMING SOON - Self-Serve Kiosk for Paying Utility Bills

February 28, 2024 – Logansport Utilities will be installing a 24-hour self-serve kiosk before summer as an added convenient option for utility bill paying.

The self-serve kiosk, similarly designed like a bank ATM (Automated Teller Machine) will be an additional tool for customers to simplify the bill-paying process with improved speed, convenience, ADA, and multiple language accessibility.

The self-serve kiosk will be located in the north entrance doorway of the citybuilding at 601 E Broadway, Logansport, Indiana, 46947, replacing the current after hours drop box on the east wall. The kiosk will be accessible 24-hours aday, 7-days a week.

The new self-serve kiosk offers:

  • Quick transactions

  • Easy bill lookup and access

  • Reuse of a single check for e-check payments

  • Instructions available in:

    •  English, Español (Spanish), ြမန်မာ(Burmese), Kreyol ayisyen (Haitian Creole)

For customers using the self-serve kiosk, they will need to know their account number to initiate the payment or scan the bar code located on their bill. That information is found on the right corner of the utility bill. The self-serve kiosk will take paper cash, paper check, or e-check for free. Checks need to be payable to Logansport Utilities. Debit and credit card users can also pay at the self-serve kiosk, with an added third-party bank fee to be added to the amount due. Payments made at the self-serve kiosk will immediately be posted to the customer’s account.

For those paying with cash, only paper cash bills will be accepted, and the kiosk will not give back change. Instead, any over payment will be credited to the user’s account and applied on their next bill.

The self-serve kiosk is expected to arrive in the spring of 2024 and installation will take place in the wall of the north entrance doorways. Customers are expected to be able to have full access the self-serve kiosk before summer 2024. Once installed, the customer service team members will be available to assist and answer questions Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Bill payments can still be made in several other convenient methods including:

*FreeAutomatic Bank Withdrawal (ACH), which withdrawals the bill payment automatically from a checking account once a month. Sign up with a customer service team member or filling out the online form at

*In-person from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the customer service office at 601 E Broadway,Logansport Indiana, 46947

*Mailing payment in with tear-off section of the front side of the bill with account number and making check payable to Logansport Utilities.

*Calling customer service at 574-753-6231 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

*Paying online with credit/debit card, along with a credit card fee at

For questions or more information regarding making a payment, please call customer service at574-753-6231 or by emailing


February 5, 2024 – A contractor replacing water mains andservice lines in the oldest infrastructure parts of Logansport will begin work soon, starting the project by documenting work areas with pre-construction videos and photos.

F&K Construction, out of Flora, Indiana, are scheduled to start excavation and replacement work for Logansport Utilities in various parts of the city in mid-to-late February 2024. The project was approved inJanuary 2024 and awarded grant money from the Indiana State Revolving Fund(SRF) to help fund the project.

The areas selected for replacement have been identified as the oldest infrastructure areas with consistent problems with water main breaks or leaks.

F&K Construction will begin recording pre-construction videos and photos as documentation of the work sites and the surrounding areas this week. Residents should not be alarmed if they see cameras or drones being used over the next couple days in the areas marked on the pre-construction video map. The company is only recording project locations before work has begun to allow for proper restoration efforts after work is complete.

During construction, roads may be reduced to one lane or closed off and parking may be affected at times, depending on the scope of work needed in certain spaces. Notifications will be given to residents in advance and drivers are urged to use caution in work zones.

The project is expected to take 18 to 24 months to complete.


February 5, 2024 – The recreational vehicle waste dump station located in Logansport’sSpencer Park will be permanently closed by the end of February 2024.

The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) has notified Logansport’s Parks & Recreation Department and Logansport Utilities that regulations outlined in the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) NationalPollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit require monitoring of theRV waste dump station to prevent hazardous chemicals or prohibited substances from creating a safety hazard. Without the monitoring, the dump station must be closed to remain in compliance

LogansportUtilities will be excavating the dump station location to permanently seal off the cap with concrete underground, eliminating connection and access to sewer lines.

A traffic notice for High Street will be released when work is expected to begin. The dump station will be eliminated before February 29, 2024.

New Customer Service Hours Starting March 1, 2024

Release date: January 16, 2024

March 1, 2024 - Logansport Utilities will adjust its customer service hours on March 1, 2024.

The new hours for bill-related phone calls and in-person walk-ins to the city building’s customer service office will be 8:30a.m. - 4:00p.m. Monday through Friday. The current hours are 8:30a.m. – 4:30p.m. Monday through Friday. The new hours reduce the daily open customer service phone call time and in-person visits by 30 minutes to allow staff to complete administrative and accounting tasks.

Bill payments can be made in several convenient methods including:

In-person or using the drop off box, located on the south entrance of the city building, located at 601 E Broadway, Logansport Indiana, 46947.

Mailing payment in with tear-off section of the front side of the bill with account number and making check payable to Logansport Utilities.

Calling customer service at 574-753-6231.

Paying online with credit/debit card, along with a credit card fee at

Or signing up for free Automatic Bank Withdrawal (ACH), which withdrawals bill payment automatically from a checking account once a month.

For questions or more information please call customer service at 574-753-6231 or by emailing



August 1,2023 – Logansport Utilities has begun installing electric and water “smart meters” to residences and businesses as a part of the new Automated (Advanced) MeteringInfrastructure (AMI) project.

The smart meter technology in the AMI will allow wireless transmission of individual customers’ electric and water meter readings to go directly to the LogansportUtilities’ database. Several data collectors have been placed on existing water towers and other locations to transmit the readings. The new AMI system will accurately measure water and electricity consumption and rapidly detect leaks or power outages for all customers.

In August2021, LU selected the company Sensus to provide the program. Infrastructure and software checks were completed earlier this year and now shipments of smart meters have started arriving to begin updating meters for both the water and electric departments.

During installation, the water department crew members will knock on residences’ doors immediately before changing the meter. The work will interrupt water service for approximately 15 to 30 minutes at each customer’s location. Door hangers will be left at the property informing the customer of the meter change out and instructions to briefly run cold water to clear up air bubbles or discolored water. The electric department will knock on most residence doors immediately before changing the meter. There will be little to no interruption in service.The electricity might be turned off from 3 to 5 seconds during the swap and then resume normally. All LU employees will carry proper identification and be in clearly marked Logansport Utilities’ vehicles and equipment.

There will be no additional customer bill charges for the smart meters. The AMI project was budgeted years prior to use normal capital asset and operating funds.

To learn more about the AMI project and smart meters, please visit


July 11,2023 – Logansport Utilities (LU) has awarded a “Guaranteed Savings Contract”for the wastewater treatment plant headworks replacement construction project.

Kokosing Industrial, with offices in Fort Wayne and Greenfield, Indiana had the winning proposal. Kokosing will be collaborating with LU’s hired engineering company, the Lochmueller Group, with planning and design. The Lochmueller Group has determined an estimated cost around14 million dollars.

The project is in tandem with the ongoing state-mandated “Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP)” with “Combined Sewer Overflow” projects adding more water processing and treatment demand to the already aged wastewater treatment infrastructure. The current headworks structure was built in 1958 and has exceeded its useful life, showing significant signs of wear. The upgrade to the headworks facilities will efficiently manage the increase of capacity and provide more reliable screening and grit removal to protect other downstream equipment. The project coincides with Logansport Utilities’ commitment to clean water ways in the community.

Logansport Utilities CEO/SuperintendentGreg Toth says, "We're tremendously excited about the project. Now is the time to take steps to help keep waterways clean and having the right tools to do that for the community is a priority. It's a big undertaking and a great project for Logansport.”

Bond requests for the funding of this and other pending projects listed on the utilities’ capital improvement plan and the state’s LTCP were approved by the utility service board and the Logansport city council in early February 2023.

Construction is scheduled to begin in April 2024 and be completed by 2026.


May 30, 2023 – Two Logansport High School graduates have been awarded $1,000 scholarships to continue their education from the Indiana Municipal Electric Association (IMEA).

As a member of the IMEA, all Logansport Utilities staff member’s families, from any department, with a dependent heading to an accredited institution (college, university, junior college, trade/technical school or business school) may apply for the $1,000 scholarship. Up to six scholarships are awarded statewide each year, and this year two recipients were chosen from Logansport.

Bryce Howard, son of Logansport Utilities’ customer service supervisor Krystal Howard, was awarded a scholarship. He will be attending the University of Indianapolis and studying political science to enter pre-law.

Kennedy Hughes, daughter of Kenneth Hughes, a staff member of the meter reading department, was also awarded a scholarship. She will be attending Indiana University Kokomo to work towards becoming an occupational therapist.

Other recipients around the state awarded $1,000 scholarships were from Hagerstown, Lebanon, Scottsburg, and Auburn.

The IMEA is a non-profit organization formed over 81 years ago with municipal utilities across Indiana.

Logansport Utilities has been a member of the IMEA since 1950. Three people from Logansport Utilities have served as President of the IMEA; Robert Dunderman, Bradley McBride, and Clarence “Red” Quillen.

Steel Pole Project in Early Stages

May 17, 2023 – The Logansport Utilities’ electric department is in the early stages of the planned and already budgeted replacement of various aged wood pole lines with new steel poles.

Alpha Engineering out of Indianapolis has been hired to lead the project. The company will oversee all aspects of the project with engineering and design, provide materials list, hiring the construction contractor, and completed GIS/GPS (geographic information system/global positioning system) mapping.

The new eighty-foot steel 69 kV (kilovolt)/13.8 kV transmission poles will replace old wood 69 kV/13.8kV transmission poles. This first phase of pole replacements will begin at the intersection of Michigan Avenue and Fulton Street, then head west down Fulton Street to Clifton Avenue, then head north on Clifton Avenue to Northern Avenue, and finally west down Northern Avenue. This section of town was identified with some of the oldest wood poles in the service area, being installed in the 1970’s.

LogansportUtilities CEO/Superintendent Greg Toth emphasizes, “This first phase of steel pole replacements will help improve reliability, making our grid more resistant to power outages caused by strong wind and storms. It’s a necessary step to continue to serve our community well, now and in the future.”

The new steel poles will help reduce maintenance, repairs, and replacements the current wooden infrastructure requires. In this first phase, 50 wood poles will be replaced. Approximately 360 poles are scheduled to be changed out in future phases.

The steel pole replacement construction is scheduled to begin in late October 2023. Any traffic alerts or scheduled power outages will be communicated in advance.


April 12, 2023 – Work is set to begin for Logansport Utilities’ water service line replacement project.

Five Star Energy Services, an underground utility construction company, will be working with Logansport Utilities’ water department to tackle replacing the aging pipe infrastructure. Replacements will include the public main waterlines up to the point which it connects with a property’s plumbing, sometimes inside a home or business.

The primary areas of the project will affect the oldest parts of the city’s water system, with the goal of replacing any potential lead pipes or galvanized piping material that is downstream from lead materials, that would have been installed more than 50 years ago.

As the project moves forward, once a home or business has been identified to receive the water line replacement at the point of entry, the Five Star Energy Services’ staff will provide residents an information flyer in advance notice. This is to provide a summary of the project and a basic timeline for when crews may need to enter the property. The waterline replacement work is at no additional cost to the customer.

The more than 7-million-dollar project is being funded with a grant awarded to Logansport Utilities by Indiana’s State Revolving Fund (SRF), The water service line replacement project coincides with Logansport Utilities’ commitment to continue to provide safe and reliable water.


March 14, 2023 – Logansport Utilities is updating waterline material records and is asking residents in older parts of the city for their assistance.

The 129-year-old utility company is mailing an instructional letter to thousands of Logansport residents and businesses, largely in the oldest infrastructure parts of the city, asking them to identify their water service line that enters their property and to then send back the information. The letter has directions on how to identify the material and a form on the back page to fill out. A stamped return envelope has been provided to mail back the information to Logansport Utilities’ customer service office at 601 E Broadway. Residents are also able to drop off the form in-person or complete the form and submit the information online on the utility company’s website

The waterline material inventory will help assist in the upcoming water service line replacement project, scheduled to start later this year. Grant money in the amount of 7.1 million is being awarded to fund the project by the State Revolving Fund (SRF).

The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) has mandated all water systems in the state complete an inventory of all water service lines. The deadline for the complete inventory is October 2024.



February 28, 2023 – Logansport Utilities has awarded contracts for the upcoming water service line replacement project and multiple combined sewer overflow (CSO) projects.

Thieneman Construction (headquartered in Westfield, Indiana) had the winning bid price for the multi-year CSO projects (011, 012, and Linden Avenue Wet Weather Project) at $16,875,000. A directive from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) requires all CSO projects to be completed by 2026.

Five Star Energy Services, a Waukesha, Wisconsin based underground utility construction company, had the winning bid price for the water service line replacement project for $7,719,960. The water service line replacement project has been mandated by the state and coincides with Logansport Utilities’ commitment to provide safe and reliable water.

Bond requests for the funding of these projects and the other pending projects listed on the utilities’ capital improvement plan and the state’s required “Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP)” were approved by the city council in early February 2023. The total bond request is $128 million which includes contingency funds for each project that will not be recompensed, as well as grant money of 7.1 million being awarded from State Revolving Fund (SRF). An estimated $95 million will be the repayment amount.

Both awarded projects are scheduled to begin this year.


October 11, 2022 – Upcoming projects required by the state have led the City of Logansport, its city council, and Logansport Utilities to consider future rate increases for water, wastewater, and stormwater.

On September 27, 2022, the Logansport Utilities’ service board approved rate change resolutions. These resolutions will be forwarded to the city clerk treasurer and the city council for review and creation of a rate ordinance to increase water, wastewater, and stormwater rates. The increases would happen in four phases over the next four years.

This request will coincide with the municipal utilities’ capital improvement plan and the state’s required “Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP)” which includes future requirements for the city of Logansport from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s “Clean Water Act” and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM)’s “Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)” project.

Launched federally and by the state in 1996, then revised in 2001, the unfunded and mandated CSO program is to help eliminate combined sewer overflows and prevent raw sewage from spilling into local rivers and waterways during heavy rain events. Logansport Utilities’ CSO projects began in 2013. The “Melbourne Avenue Wet Weather Project” was the most recent improvement, with Wilhelm Construction leading the installation of two new 10-foot-diameter pipes to store and process five million gallons of stormwater water during heavy rains. That project was completed in the winter of 2021. In 2018, water, wastewater, and stormwater rate increases were approved in two phases (2018, 2019) to help fund the massive project. The directive from the EPA and IDEM is all remaining CSO projects are to be completed by 2026.

The cost for the upcoming required CSO projects affecting the rates from the years 2023 – 2026 is an estimated $51,384,108. This number includes construction of the wastewater treatment plant’s headworks, replacing the original headworks built in 1958. The headworks must be replaced to process flows from the new CSO systems being installed. To complete the remainder of the capital improvement plan, which includes a 2025 mandate from IDEM for a secondary water source (supplemental wellfield, wells, and well houses), service line replacements, and the EPA’s phosphorus removal protocol requirement, the remaining amount needed is $43,696,770. This brings the total funding need to $95,080,878. Logansport is ahead of the curve with state mandated CSO projects, with neighboring communities behind in accruing funding and creating action plans.

Logansport Utilities has taken proactive steps to help keep rate increases to the community as low as possible by applying and being awarded the “State Revolving Fund (SRF)” grant and loan money. The SRF Loan Programs provide low-interest loans to Indiana communities for projects that improve wastewater and drinking water infrastructure. The utility company applied for $24 million dollars to replace 4,500 service lines in the city. The SRF will fund 80% of the company’s requested funds which will not have to be repaid. The request will be broken down into thirds, $8 million dollars to be requested and be awarded each year for three years. This year Logansport Utilities will obtain $6.4 million dollars and borrow the additional $1.6 million dollars with 0% interest on a 30-year loan from the SRF. If Logansport Utilities had not acted on applying for additional funds, the rate increase for customers would have been more. The move helped save each average rate payer $4 dollars per month. The utility company will also be obtaining proposed waterworks, sewer works, and stormwater revenue bonds in 2023 and 2025.

The upcoming rate ordinance on water, wastewater, and stormwater will affect residential and commercial customers. The current average combined rate (for in-city residents using 5,000 gallons a month for water, wastewater, and stormwater services) is $77.15 per month. The proposed 4 phase plan, along with the cost saving actions done by Logansport Utilities, the increase will raise rates roughly $50.13 monthly in total for those averaged residential customers in four years, instead of $62.13. Depending on services used, some residents may see less of a rate increase. Averaged small (2-inch main) commercial customer using 15,000 gallons monthly will see an increase of $220.86 in four years.

The proposed combined water/wastewater/stormwater monthly rate changes for in-city residential customers include:

2022 - $77.15 (current)

2023 + $16.21 (Phase I)

2024 + $12.03 (Phase II)

2025 + $13.91 (Phase III)

2026 + $7.98 (Phase IV)

The proposed combined water/wastewater/stormwater monthly rate changes for small commercial customers include:

2022 - $299.06 (current)

2023 + $67.03 (Phase I)

2024 + $55.86 (Phase II)

2025 + $58.96 (Phase III)

2026 + $39.01 (Phase IV)

Public meetings for the city council readings of the proposed rate ordinances were held in November and December 2022. The rates were approved to launch in January 2023.


September 28, 2022: Logansport Utilities sent four linemen from the electric distribution department to join hundreds of others to assist in power restoration in Florida, as forecasters predicted massive damage from the approaching Hurricane Ian.

Earlier that week Duane Richardson, the executive director from the Indiana Municipal Electric Association (IMEA), reached out to Logansport Utilities CEO/Superintendent Greg Toth and Director of Electric Brad McBride on the possibility of joining other Indiana municipal electric department teams in Florida’s predicted power outages.

Two foremen, Chris Griffith and Shane Milburn, along with two apprentice linemen, Joe Shilling and Mason Weller, left Wednesday morning September 28, to head to Troy, Alabama to meet up with fellow Indiana linemen and IMEA members from Lawrenceburg, Rensselaer, Scottsburg, Washington, Mishawaka, and Lebanon.

The Logansport crew took two trucks and remained in the staging area in Troy as the storm moved through Florida. Once given a location, instructions and clearance, they traveled to New Symrna, working 16-hour workdays to help in repairs and power restoration efforts.

All expenses were covered by the Florida based utility companies or the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Logansport still had a full crew of electric linemen and apprentices remaining in the city to complete ongoing projects and respond to emergencies in the area.

Grant Awarded for Replacing Water Service Lines

Logansport Utilities has been awarded millions of dollars in grant money to help replace the city’s water service lines.

The “State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Program provides grant money and low-interest loans to Indiana communities for projects that improve wastewater and drinking water infrastructure.

In Logansport Utilities’ continuous mission to bring safe, clean, and reliable drinking water to Logansport residents, the company applied for $24 million dollars to replace 4,500 service lines in the city. The SRF has agreed to award and fund 80% of the company’s requested funds with grant money, which will not have to be repaid. The request will be broken down into thirds, with $8 million dollars to be requested and be awarded each year for three years. This year Logansport Utilities will obtain $6.4 million dollars in grant money and borrow the additional $1.6 million dollars with 0% interest on a 30-year loan from the SRF. The same process is planned for the next two years.

Once the 4,500 service lines are replaced over the next few years, residents can expect improved quality water and higher water pressure in their homes and businesses.

Our new online bill pay section is here! Please pay your bill by clicking the button below or pay with one of our other payment options: mailing, calling 574-753-6231, or stopping by our customer service office and using the drop box or pay in-person with one of our cashiers Monday-Friday from 8:30am. to 4:30pm. Thank you!

New Online Bill Pay Is Here!

Installing New EV Chargers

June 29, 2022 – Logansport Utilities (formerly Logansport Municipal Utilities or LMU) will be installing several new EV (electric vehicle) charging stations around the city of Logansport.

The project has already launched with a newly installed EV charger in the parking lot of the “Science Project Brewery Company,” near the corner of North and 6th Streets. Starting July 5, electric vehicle drivers will be able to access and use the charging station.

Logansport Utilities is providing the electricity to these power stations free of charge. The stations will be fully open to the public. Drivers will be able plug-in, charge up, and be on their way without having to pay a fee.

CEO/Superintendent Greg Toth supports the program, stating, “This is a small way, we as a utility company, can support our community. The availability of additional charging stations around town will benefit electric vehicle owners and encourage others to invest in them, especially during a time where everyone is looking for sustainable options and transportation cost-savings.”

Other locations of EV chargers are still to be determined, with one proposed in the city-planned “Urban Park,” near Logan’s Landing (421 4th Street.)

This is not the first time Logansport Utilities has installed EV chargers. The Logansport city building on East Broadway has one in their private lot for city-owned electric vehicles, and Logansport Memorial Hospital has a pay-per-use charger on their campus.your site, a customer quote, or to talk about important news.


*Release February 25, 2022 – Logansport Municipal Utilities is launching a rebranding, which includes a new logo, as the name of the company transitions to Logansport Utilities.

The company has gone by different names and logos/looks throughout its more than 125 years as an electric and water distribution/collection entity. Those names include Logansport Waterworks and Electric Company, City of Logansport Electric Light Department, and City of Logansport Municipal Utilities.

The most recent logo design was created in the 1990’s with blue stripes and the letters L M U typed vertically. The new logo shows a multi-blue colored 3D sphere with a bolt in the center, with the words LOGANSPORT UTILITIES and EST. 1895 under the sphere. Throughout 2022, the new logo will replace the former logo on all the company’s signage and materials for branding.

To Our Customers

Coming in spring 2022, we will be transitioning from our defunct postcard bills to full size, enveloped letters.DO NOT THROW THE NEW BILLS AWAY! These are the only mailed bills we will be sending!

Printed on these bills will be our new company logo, formally referred to as LMU or LogansportMunicipal Utilities, now called Logansport Utilities. Everything else has remained the same. Same superintendent, same great reliable and helpful services. Customer service remains at the same location, same phone numbers, website, and social media channels.

Take a look at the back page to see a sample of what the NEW BILLS are going to look like and then keep an eye out in your mailbox for YOUR NEW BILL!


February 25, 2022 – Logansport Utilities (formerly Logansport Municipal Utilities/LMU) is replacing the old, defunct postcard utility bills with new enveloped, full sized letter billing paperwork.

The new bills will be printed on 8.5 inch by 11-inch white paper, with the company’s new logo printed on them. They will arrive in mailboxes in envelopes. The company is sending out letters in advance to help explain the new look and to encourage residents not to throw out the new bills, as they are legitimate.

This comes as Logansport Utilities implements their new ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, a business process management software that manages and integrates their financials, operations, reporting, and human resource activities.


August 23, 2021 – After more than a decade of investigating AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) systems for utilities, and the last eight months of in-depth evaluations, Logansport Municipal Utilities (LMU) has selected Sensus to provide the program needed to enhance utility operations for the Logansport community.

Both the electric and water departments will share an integrated metering communication network, working in tandem with the new incoming ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system already being developed. The new AMI system will accurately measure water and electricity consumption and rapidly detect leaks or power outages for LMU customers.

The project manager of the AMI provider search is the electric metering department’s supervisor, Brad McBride. He is supported by staff members across various departments and LMU’s superintendent Greg Toth.

Thirty hours of total interviews and presentations, along with, visiting peer companies and speaking with utility colleagues, allowed for a detailed, comprehensive search.

Toth says, “The new AMI system through Sensus will allow greater operational efficiency, have our community using the latest technology for power quality and outage management, as well as improvements within our entire water distribution system.”

Over the next couple of months, contract negotiations will occur with Sensus, finalizing responsibilities, equipment, installations, timelines, and final costs.

Eel River Dams’ Removal

*Release October 8, 2021

Plans to remove two historic low-head dams (weirs) on the Eel River in Logansport are moving forward, as the utility company has now selected Deichman Excavating’s bid to complete the work.

The project will remove the larger dam located at 10th Street and the three-foot dam located downstream. The 10th Street dam was first built in 1854 and completed in 1857 for the Logansport Waterworks and Electric Company. The smaller dam was constructed in 1835. Neither dam is in use.

In the past, the Eel River had 14 dams along it, mostly for milling and power sources. Many of them were destroyed naturally. Other Indiana cities have removed four Eel River dams. The dams at Manchester and Liberty Mills were removed in 2012, followed by one near Mexico in 2016.

The project is estimated to cost $300,000.

LMU has already begun the process to release more water flow from the dam gates, allowing water to drop and be rerouted for equipment to be brought in safely. Equipment for the ongoing demolition at the former electric generating plant will also be brought in, to remove the coal conveyer that runs from the south to the north side of the river. Local ecologist Jerry Sweeten and other environmental officials are collaborating with LMU for conservation efforts of wildlife and the land.

The removal is expected to begin on October 17, 2021 and be completed by December 1, 2021.

Big Changes Along Eel River

July 16, 2021 - Logansport Municipal Utilities (LMU) is moving forward with demolishing the former electric generating plant and water treatment plant in the coming months.

After receiving approval from the utility services board last month to move ahead, work has begun for both the water plant located 1100 Riverside Drive, and the generating plant at 800 Race Street. Along with the two facilities, the coal conveyor running across the Eel River, the defunct water tower, and former coal building on the northside of the river will also be demolished. The contracted work is being supplied by Glynn Demolition based out of Hennepin, Illinois.

There will be temporary fencing put up around the projects. Both facilities will have large equipment on the sites and increased construction noise during the work. Blasting will not be used for demolition. The project is scheduled to be completed before March 28, 2022.

The first steps in the demolition will include the removal of asbestos from both locations, according to State and Federal laws and industry standard practices. Glynn will coordinate with BCA Environmental Consultants. LMU is also removing any relics of historic significance from the buildings for uses to be determined.

The opportunity to launch the demolition projects arose amid rising reclamation steel and scrap brick prices. In the past, it was estimated costs to demolish just the old generator plant was around $6 million. Now both locations will be demolished under an estimated 1.6 million.

To offset some of the costs, LMU has applied for a 500,000 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA.) The grant would help pay for the power plant’s demolition of the coal conveyor and smokestack, supporting the removal of asbestos-containing material on the conveyor and throughout the plant. LMU will learn on August 12, 2021 if the OCRA grant has been awarded.

Long-standing Landmarks

Both facilities have been long-standing landmarks in the city. The power plant generated electricity from 1895 to 2016. LMU now distributes electricity from NextEra Energy, Inc after it was deemed too inefficient and costly to continue producing electricity. In 1914, water was provided to the Logansport community with a filter plant built next to the electric generating plant. The system was improved in 1954 when the water treatment plant was built. This plant treated water from the Eel River. It was decommissioned in late 2013 due to the plant being outdated. The city’s water is now provided from a well field distribution system.

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